Sustainable Tourism

Consulting services
Tourism that takes full account of its current and future economic, social and environmental impacts, addressing the needs of visitors, the industry, the environment and host communities

UNWTO definition of sustainable tourism

Our services will help you improve business efficiency while having a positive impact for your different stakeholders

We provide supports on launching best practices to develop strategies focused on the identification of sustainable competitive advantages from an environmental, cultural and socio-economic perspective.

Getting prepared for certification with a sustainable label can be very time consuming. We help our partners within all steps of the certification process: from setting action plans to audit preparation and staff trainings.

Blue Pineapple Tourism provides consulting & audit services for Green Globe, the internationally renowned certification for sustainable operations and management of tourism businesses.

Green Globe provides certification for sustainable operations and management of businesses, which traces its roots back to the Rio de Janeiro Earth Summit in 1992.

It is a quality management system, which benefits all aspects of a company from management to operations. Its members are widely regarded as industry leaders in their geographical regions

The Green Globe Standard offers a framework of 44 criteria and 380 indicators to evaluate achievements in the field of sustainability based on the four pillars:

  • Sustainable Management
  • Social / Economic
  • Cultural Heritage
  • Environment
Sustainable Tourism Consultancy

We have designed few packages that we would be glad to personalize to truly match your needs and objectives!

Green Pack

Setting up of a CSR strategy including realization of sustainable plan:

  • Certification process;
  • Team trainings;

Green Globe™ Certification

Accompaniment labeling or realization audit Label Green Globe™

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